School of Nursing Centennial Rebrand

When the UW–Madison School of Nursing came to our team requesting a brand refresh to kick off their centennial year, they noted it was important to them that the brand expanded the view of nursing beyond the bedside to emphasize science research, cutting-edge technology, policy making, and community engagement. So we created a brand that was maximally flexible in both messaging and visuals, allowing them to appeal to different audiences while staying on brand.

Standing O to Danielle Lamberson Philipp for art direction/design, and Sarah Page and Christine Knorr for additional design prowess on this project!

The campaign strategy won GOLD in the University & College Designers Association (UCDA)’s 2024 Design Awards competition and BRONZE in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)’s 2024 Circle of Excellence Awards competition! Well lah-dee-dah!


Commencement Brand Architecture